General Health

Could Yeast Overgrowth Be Causing all Your Health Issues?

Health Issues from YeastWhen things are not balanced in your system, you can experience dysbiosis; The imbalance of gut flora. This type of imbalance is known as candida overgrowth. We will go over signs and symptoms, and ways to overcome this issue. You can restore your body back to health for good!

Candida albicans are fungal organisms that are present in everyone’s intestinal tract. Normally, it is kept in balance by sufficient amounts of beneficial bacteria and a healthy immune system. When we are under extreme stress, taking antibiotics, have a compromised immune system due to illness, or have a very poor diet high in processed food and sugar, the beneficial bacteria is destroyed. Once this happens, candida starts to invade your system, including body tissues. Sometimes it can appear as a yeast infection or oral thrush, and also spread throughout your body, and become a systemic issue.

Normally candida isn’t harmful, however, once it changes into a much more aggressive form, it can basically perforate the lining of the intestines. This can cause more problems for the intestinal and circulatory system. In turn, this can allow for many allergens and toxins to enter the bloodstream, potentially causing something called leaky gut syndrome. Some studies have even shown a possible connection with yeast causing Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Symptoms and Diseases associated with Yeast Overgrowth

  • Autoimmune issues – arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, anemia, scleroderma, myasthenia gravies and sarcoidosis.
  • Gastrointestinal – IBS, diarrhea, constipation, rectal itching, food sensitivities, gas, bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Mental & Emotional health – confusion, irritability, hyperactivity, depression, insomnia, learning disability, panic attacks, anxiety and short attention span.
  • Genitourinary system – menstrual and premenstrual issues, urinary tract infections, bladder inflammation, PMS and yeast infections.
  • Skin – eczema, acne, hives, and unexplained rashes.
  • Also, generalized fatigue, migraine headaches, chemical sensitivities, weakness, respiratory issues and unexplained weight gain are important symptoms to watch for.

What to do

A diet rich in natural fats, organic proteins, and vegetables are strongly recommended. This is a natural way to keep candida in balance. Avoid all artificial sweeteners, simple sugars, and processed carbohydrates. Avoid fermented items such as cheese, vinegar, wine, and alcohol. Mushrooms must also be avoided as they are considered a fungus and can exasperate issues. Reduce your stress levels as stress exasperates many conditions. Get plenty of rest to give your body the much needed strength it will require. Sweat! Sweating is good for you and allows for the release of toxins. Saunas are great for this, infrared is best.

With the addition of an effective anti-fungal supplement protocol, you can see relief much sooner. Anti fungal herbs that can help tremendously include, Oregano, Rosemary, Berberine sulfate, Caprylic acid and Pau D’Arco. These powerful herbs have potent anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

If you are wondering how you can be tested, it requires a simple stool test. This is done to determine your levels of yeast and bacteria. Once your licensed practitioner or physician has this information and has gone over your results, they can then determine the appropriate protocol for your individual treatment plan.

If you have any questions regarding yeast overgrowth and testing, please contact The Salerno Center at 212-582-1700.