Allergy season is upon us. While food allergies are a big part of my practice, so too are...
Category - Vitamins & Supplements
Glutamine: Master Protein Builder, Gut Restorer, Sugar Craving...
Glutamine, the most abundant protein constituent in the body, and maybe the most important. There...
Maintain Your Waistline with Weight Loss Intravenous Therapy
Losing weight, especially as you get older, can be challenging to pull off and maintain. As you...
Erectile Dysfunction: What Are Some Natural Treatment Options?
When a man experiences erectile dysfunction, it can be challenging to deal with. Erectile...
Five Important Supplements for the Mind
Although people tend to worry about the status of their bodies, the status of the mind is equally...
Fight Fat with Fat Now Available on Google AMP
Fight Fat with Fat is now available in the Google AMP search results on your mobile device! The...
Turmeric Health Benefits
Curcumin, the plant compound that gives turmeric that bright yellow color has been shown to have...
Vitamin C: Just As Good As Exercise?
What is Vitamin C? Vitamin C, is the powerhouse antioxidant, ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate(it goes...