General Health

You May Be Killing Your Metabolism by Eating These 6 Foods

Metabolism-Hindering Foods
There’s nothing worse than working towards a goal and not seeing any results. Unfortunately, this happens all too often when it comes to weight loss. You do everything you need to do, exercise, and eat right, but you still aren’t seeing the results you want. However, you need to examine what it is that you are doing much closer. You need to look closer at the food you are eating to determine if that may be your problem. All too often, a person thinks they are eating healthy, but that may not be the truth. The truth it some foods make people believe they are healthy, but instead, they are full of ingredients that prevent weight loss by slowing down the metabolism. When it comes to losing weight, eating metabolism hindering foods is only going to hurt your cause, not help it.

You may be eating a diet full of metabolism hindering foods and not be aware of it. If you are trying to lose weight and have not had any luck, try removing these metabolism hindering foods from your daily diet.

White flour– When it comes to bread and pasta, avoiding or limiting your consumption of white flour is important. While the taste and texture are what most people fall for, white flour is overly processed, stripped away of its essential nutrients, such as antioxidants and fiber. Because white flour is incredibly low in nutrients, instead of eating bread made from white flour, go for baked goods that are made with whole wheat flour.

Alcohol– While there’s nothing wrong with the occasional cocktail when your alcohol consumption becomes unbalanced, it can increase your risk of gaining weight. On top of being loaded with calories, drinking alcohol can make you crave sugary foods. Consuming alcohol can also affect your blood sugar levels. When this happens, it can cause you to make some unhealthy decisions about your diet when it comes time to eat. It’s also not uncommon to feel unmotivated to work out after a night of drinking.

Conventional Fruits and Vegetables– Avoiding all fruits and vegetables on the dirty dozen list is highly recommended. A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives discovered that one of the fungicides used on conventional fruits and vegetables caused weight gain in mice. While it is hypothesized that the same can occur in humans, who wants to take that chance? Luckily with the growth of organics, opting for organic fruits and vegetables aren’t always that much more expensive.

Fruit juice– If you are purchasing fruit juice from the store, it is crucial that you read the ingredient label on the bottle or package. What you think is healthy, could actually contain more sugar than soda, and not the natural kind. It’s not uncommon for low-end fruit juice to be full of preservatives, chemicals, flavorings, food colorings, and processed sugar. Instead, look for natural ingredients, and avoid anything made from concentrate. You could also make your own, which is the best way to know precisely what you are consuming.

Granola– Certain types of granola should not be promoted as a health food, as it can be high in fat and calories. Besides containing a lot of calories, certain brands of granola can also contain a lot of sugar. Eating granola that is high in sugar can spike your blood sugar levels, making you feel even hungrier. Since not all granola is created equal, make sure you read the ingredients before you purchase. Avoid purchasing granola that contains added oils and sugar. If the mix includes dry fruit, make sure it’s a limited amount. Aim for a granola that’s made with nuts and 100% whole grains.

Soda– If you are trying to lose weight, you should put down that soda bottle. Most sodas contain high fructose corn syrup, a sweetener that can put you at risk for a stroke, diabetes, heart disease, and even obesity. High fructose corn syrup is typically found in processed foods and soft drinks, and it can have a damaging effect on metabolism. In fact, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study that found a possible connection between high fructose corn syrup and obesity due to its adverse effects on the metabolism.